
The MBSR course conducted by Mr Ong Pee Eng has been a fruitful venture for me. I started off being less mindful and perceptive of my emotions, but Mr Ong has provided me with ample guidance on how to increase awareness of my feelings and thoughts. The level of open-mindedness that I have achieved from mindfulness practices has allowed me to make better decisions in many situations. Besides learning how to communicate effectively with others, being mindful of others have allowed me to channel positivity in my thoughts and actions in reciprocation. Therefore, I highly encourage anyone to pursue the practices of mindfulness conducted by Mr Ong Pee Eng, to cultivate a sense of awareness and kindness towards oneself and others.

Elaine (8-Week MBSR)

Pee Eng is very professional in his coaching on Mindfulness. I have learnt a lot from him and mindfulness has turned my life around. It is simply mind-blowing.

Sock Har – Daily Mindfulness Sessions

Pee Eng’s MBSR course was the first of its kind that I ever attended. I was pleasantly surprised that the course was well organized, practical and easy to follow. Pee Eng always made sure that he gave clear instructions before starting any mindfulness practice. Overall, I was glad that I had joined Pee Eng’s class. As a qualified mindfulness teacher, Pee Eng was very patient and professional.

Lesa – (8-Week MBSR)

Pee Eng is a mindfulness practitioner. He exudes calm and speaks soothingly, is patient and open to questions about mindfulness practices. Pee Eng addresses questions mindfully. He ensures that there is no embarrassment, and does not belittle, and treats every question respectfully. I benefited from Pee Eng’s mindfulness meditation class, and appreciate his efforts to spread the practice in the local community. The class has helped me to identify my stressors, and also control my mind better when I meditate. ☺️

Jean – (8-Week MBSR)

I attended Pee Eng previous MBSR course and I find it very insightful and helped me to adopt mindfulness properly. I have been practicing mindfulness for a few years and struggles with finding time even though I know its benefits. Pee Eng’s course was very timely as I manage to find time during the CB period to practice.

Samuel – (8-Week MBSR)

Having completed the 8week MBSR mindfulness course conducted by Pee Eng recently, I have gained the following benefits:

– Loving Kindness practice to self & others, it makes myself happy, as I wish for others to be happy too.

– Am more aware & mindful when I am about daily life activities, helps me to be kind to myself.

– Body Scan practice – helps to relax.

– Learnt that focusing rather than multi- tasking helps reduce stress.

Overall, I have learnt skills that will help me improve my well-being, be happy, relax & be compassionate.

I have been practising mindfulness regularly since.

Maureen – MBSR

I started Mindfulness without much clue what it is.

Over a couple of sessions, I realise Mindfulness practice helps me to remember the present moment clearly.

I feel more aware nowadays. When I brush my teeth, I know I am brushing my teeth and not go on auto pilot mode when my mind is preoccupied with other thoughts. Before this, I had sometimes brushed my teeth twice as I simply could not recall if I had brushed my teeth. 

Loving Kindness and Body Scan are something new that I have learned and they have helped me to be aware of my thoughts and emotions without judgement.

Mindfulness practice helps me to stay in the moment in an otherwise frantic world.

Jenny – Daily Mindfulness Sessions