There is a growing body of rigorous research evidence regarding the potential benefits of mindfulness for children and young people. These include randomised control trials and neuroscientific studies.
As Professor Katherine Weare (Emeritus Professor, Southampton and Exeter Universities) observed in her award-winning research summary: Evidence for the Impact of Mindfulness on Children and Young People, schools who engage in mindfulness are likely to see ‘beneficial results on the emotional wellbeing, mental health, ability to learn and even the physical health of their students. Such interventions are relatively cheap to introduce, have an impact fairly quickly, can fit into a wide range of contexts and above all are enjoyable and civilising, for pupils and staff.’
‘Paws b’ for children age 7-11, and ‘.b’ for young people age 11-18, are two classroom-based mindfulness curriculums by Mindfulness in Schools Project 证
If you are interested in learning more, or in the possibility of having mindfulness classes offered to your students, please contact Ong Pee Eng
.b class
.b for young people age 11-18
Dot be(.b) is a 10- session curriculum for young people aged 11-18 and is offered formally as a series of lessons to the usual classes in schools, and informally through integrating the learning and practice of mindfulness in the children’s everyday lives. In UK, MiSP programs have been conducted in more than 1,000 schools and benefited about 400,000 primary and secondary students.
.b aims to help young people to:
- Cultivate emotional intelligence by managing emotions and compulsive reaction, thus enhancing their social skills.
- Improve their concentration and focus, in classes, in exams and tests, on the sports field, when playing games, when paying attention and listening to others.
- Experience greater well-being (e.g. feel happier, calmer, more fulfilled).
- Work with difficult mental states such as anxious thoughts and low moods.
- Cope with the everyday stresses and strains of adolescent life such as exams, relationships, sleep problems, family issues.
The feedback from students who take part in .b is very positive. These are the comments from over 1400 students, having taken part in the .b programme:
For research evidence around mindfulness for both young people and school staff, you may find them here:
Paws b
Paws b for children age 7-11
Paws b is a 6-12 session curriculum for children aged 7 -11 and is offered formally as a series of lessons to the usual classes in schools, and informally through integrating the learning and practice of mindfulness in the children’s everyday lives. In the
During the course, they will be learning about many things, including:
- Specific areas of the brain and how these affect our ability to focus, make good choices,
recognise when we need to steady ourselves when our body or mind is busy or out of balance. - Ways that mindfulness can support them in many day-to-day activities, including concentration and memory,
behavioural self- management, and in relationships with family and friends. - Ways to respond rather than react – and therefore make better choices and take
best care of themselves and others.
The feedback from children who have taken part in Paws b is very positive. They report enjoying the lessons and find the learning supports them in a broad range of situations from being able to concentrate and focus more easily in school to helping them feel calmer in exams and competitions. Many have described sharing the learning with other family members and finding it helps them with their relationships with family and friends.
You can see a summary of feedback about Paws b from over 1000 students here:
For research evidence around mindfulness for both young people and school staff, you may find them here: